Kick-off Conference

On 20 October 2021, a kick-off conference regarding the restoration of the national cultural heritage – the Jewish School Levice project took place in the synagogue premises.

Within the programme, participants of the conference were addressed by Mgr. Mária Mészárošová, Director of the City Cultural Centre of Levice, who gave welcome to the honoured guests, as well as by Mr. Terje Theodor Nervik, ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the Slovak Republic, and RNDr. Ján Krtík, mayor of the city of Levice. The project as such was introduced by Ing. Mgr. Ján Hámorník, MBA, Project Financial Manager, and Ing. Zsolt Papp, Project Manager. The history of the Jewish school in Levice was presented by Mgr. Marta Švoliková from the State Archive in Nitra, Archive Levice office. An interesting ending of the spoken part was the presentation of Matúš Zelieska, Chairman of the Geniza citizens association, regarding the social and cultural life of Jews in Levice. The cultural programme included a presentation of a student of the Elementary Art School of Pál Kadosa in Levice and Karin Sarkisjan presented beautiful Jewish songs. 

The city received EUR 900,000 from the grant scheme of EEA. The aim of the project implementers is to build new educational and cultural premises as a creative centre of the city and of the region with a permanent exposition regarding the lives of Jewish citizens in the city and its surroundings.